Accepted submissions
Best papers and exemplary papers
A total of 16 exemplary papers were selected by the program chairs as those that represent the best work submitted to EDM 2016. Candidates for exemplary papers were selected among those accepted as full papers using the following criteria: 1) the average ratings of all reviewers and 2) at least one reviewer indicated the paper should be considered for best paper. Program Chairs and the General Chair then performed meta-reviews for all of these papers to make the final exemplary paper selections.
Finally, the Best Paper Committee was formed to review the top papers in the conference to select best paper nominations. We used random selection to divide both the 16 exemplary papers and the 10 committee members into two groups. All members in the same Best Paper Sub-committee received the same 8 exemplary papers together with their reviews. Sub-committee members were asked to rank the three best papers from the 8 papers, and to provide a 1-2 sentence justification for each of the top 3 they chose. Based on these rankings, four Best Paper nominees were selected.
Best Paper Committee:
Koedinger, Kenneth Pavlik Jr., Philip I. Aleven, Vincent Baker, Ryan Galyardt, April Goldin, Ilya Heffernan, Neil Ritter, Steven Olney, Andrew Pechenizkiy, MykolaBest paper
How Deep is Knowledge Tracing?
Best student paper
Best paper nominees
LIVELINET: A Multimodal Deep Recurrent Neural Network to Predict Liveliness in Educational Videos
Measuring Gameplay Affordances of User-Generated Content in an Educational Game
The following submissions have been accepted for EDM 2016. Papers marked with * are exemplary papers.
Full Papers (30)
11Temporally Coherent Clustering of Student Data *
17Execution Traces as a Powerful Data Representation for Intelligent Tutoring Systems for Programming *
23Dynamics of Peer Grading: An Empirical Study
33Generating Data-driven Hints for Open-ended Programming *
42A Coupled User Clustering Algorithm for Web-based Learning Systems
46Effect of student ability and question difficulty on duration *
62An Ensemble Method to Predict Student Performance in an Online Math Learning Environment
63Gauging MOOC Learners' Adherence to the Designed Learning Path
64LIVELINET: A Multimodal Deep Recurrent Neural Network to Predict Liveliness in Educational Videos
75Student Usage Predicts Treatment Effect Heterogeneity in the Cognitive Tutor Algebra I Program
76Riding an emotional roller-coaster: A multimodal study of young child's math problem solving activities *
77The Affective Impact of Tutor Questions: Predicting Frustration and Engagement *
78The Eyes Have It: Gaze-based Detection of Mind Wandering during Learning with an Intelligent Tutoring System *
87How to Model Implicit Knowledge? Similarity Learning Methods to Assess Perceptions of Visual Representations
89Joint Discovery of Skill Prerequisite Graphs and Student Models
92Modeling the Influence of Format and Depth during Effortful Retrieval Practice *
100Measuring Gameplay Affordances of User-Generated Content in an Educational Game
118The Apprentice Learner Architecture: Closing the loop between learning theory and educational data *
121MOOC Learner Behaviors by Country and Culture; an Exploratory Analysis
123Predicting Post-Test Performance from Student Behavior: A High School MOOC Case Study
126{ENTER}ing the Time Series {SPACE}: Uncovering the Writing Process through Keystroke Analyses
137Unnatural Feature Engineering: Evolving Augmented Graph Grammars for Argument Diagrams
140Semantic Features of Math Problems: Relationships to Student Learning and Engagement *
143Automatic Gaze-Based Detection of Mind Wandering during Film Viewing
144How Deep is Knowledge Tracing? *
154Modelling the way: Using action sequence archetypes to differentiate learning pathways from learning outcomes
158Calibrated Self-Assessment
159Web as a textbook: Curating Targeted Learning Paths through the Heterogeneous Learning Resources on the Web *
164Sequence Matters, But How Exactly? A Methodology for Evaluating Activity Sequences from Data
172Mining behaviors of students in autograding submission system logs
Short Papers (55)
12On Competition for Undergraduate Co-op Placements: A Graph Mining Approach
13Properties and Applications of Wrong Answers in Online Educational Systems
15A Scalable Learning Analytics Platform for Automated Writing Feedback
18A Contextual Bandits Framework for Personalized Learning Action Selection
20Collaborative Problem Solving Skills versus Collaboration Outcomes: Findings from Statistical Analysis and Data Mining
21Using Inverse Planning for Personalized Feedback
22Predicting Performance on MOOC Assessments using Multi-Regression Models
26Predicting Student Progress from Peer-Assessment Data
27A Comparison of Automatic Teaching Strategies for Heterogeneous Student Populations
31Investigating Difficult Topics in a Data Structures Course Using Item Response Theory and Logged Data Analysis
32Association rules uncover social triggers of conceptual learning with physical and virtual representations
40A Comparative Analysis of Techniques for Predicting Student Performance
41Analysing and Refining Pilot Training
43Automatic Assessment of Constructed Response Data in a Chemistry Tutor
48Transactivity as a Predictor of Future Collaborative Knowledge Integration in Team-Based Learning in Online Courses
51Classifying behavior to elucidate elegant problem solving in an educational game
52Individualizing Bayesian Knowledge Tracing Models. Are Skills More Important Than Students?
53Validating Game-based Measures of Implicit Science Learning
54Automatic Detection of Teacher Questions from Audio in Live Classrooms
56A Nonlinear State Space Model for Identifying At-Risk Students in Open Online Courses
61Deep Learning + Student Modeling + Clustering: a Recipe for Effective Automatic Answer Grading
67Document Segmentation for Labeling with Academic Learning Objectives
69Investigating Swarm Intelligence for Performance Prediction
70Expediting Support for Social Learning with Behavior Modeling
79An Automated Test of Motor Skills for Job Selection and Feedback
83Course Enrollment Recommender System
84Learning Curves for Problems with Multiple Knowledge Components
85On generalizability of MOOC research
90Investigating Gender Difference on Homework in Middle School Mathematics
101Exploring Learning Management System Interaction Data: Combining Data-driven and Theory-driven Approaches
104Modeling Visitor Behavior in a Game-Based Engineering Museum Exhibit with Hidden Markov Models
109Topic-wise Classification of MOOC Discussions: A Visual Analytics Approach
110Predicting Dialogue Acts for Intelligent Virtual Agents with Multimodal Student Interaction Data
112Semi-Markov model for simulating MOOC students
113Assessing Student-Generated Design Justifications in Virtual Engineering Internships
125Exploring the Impact of Data-driven Tutoring Methods on Students' Demonstrative Knowledge in Logic Problem Solving
131Choosing versus Receiving Feedback: The Impact of Feedback Valence on Learning in an Assessment Game
133Going Deeper with Deep Knowledge Tracing
134Boosted Decision Tree for Q-matrix Refinement
135Aim Low: Correlation-based Feature Selection for Model-based Reinforcement Learning
136Acting the Same Differently: A Cross-Course Comparison of User Behavior in MOOCs
139Beyond Log Files: Using Multi-Modal Data Streams Towards Data-Driven KC Model Improvement
142Student Emotion, Co-occurrence, and Dropout in a MOOC Context
145Back to the basics: Bayesian extensions of IRT outperform neural networks for proficiency estimation
146Robust Predictive Models on MOOCs : Transferring Knowledge across Courses
149Data-driven Automated Induction of Prerequisite Structure Graphs
150Tensor Factorization for Student Modeling and Performance Prediction in Unstructured Domain
151Seeking Programming-related Information from Large Scaled Discussion Forums, Help or Harm?
152Closing the Loop with Quantitative Cognitive Task Analysis
166Hint Availability Slows Completion Times in Summer Work
167Modeling Interactions Across Skills: A Method to Construct and Compare Models Predicting the Existence of Skill Relationships
169Course Content Analysis: An Initiative Step toward Learning Object Recommendation Systems for MOOC Learners
171Does a Peer Recommender Foster Students' Engagement in MOOCs?
173How Good Is Popularity? Summary Grading in Crowdsourcing
175Personalization of Learning Trajectories in Online Communities of Creators
Posters (51)
1Applicability of Educational Data Mining in Afghanistan Opportunities and Challenges
9Meta-learning for predicting the best vote aggregation method: Case study in collaborative searching of LOs
14Generating Semantic Concept Map for MOOCs
19Q-matrix Learning and DINA Model Parameter Estimation
34Hierarchical Cluster Analysis Heatmaps and Pattern Analysis: An Approach for Visualizing Learning Management System Interaction Data
37Extracting Measures of Active Learning and Student Self-Regulated Learning Strategies from MOOC Data
47Predicting STEM Achievement with Learning Management System Data: Prediction Modeling and a Test of an Early Warning System
55Diagnosis at Scale: Detecting the Expertise Level and Knowledge States of Lifelong Professional Learners
66How quickly can wheel spinning be detected?
71Portrait of an Indexer - Computing Pointers Into Instructional Videos
72Time Series Analysis of VLE Activity Data
74Equity of Learning Opportunities in Chicago City of Learning
80Toward Revision-Sensitive Feedback in Automated Writing Evaluation
81Novel features for capturing cooccurrence behavior in dyadic collaborative problem solving tasks
93Time-series cross-section method for monitoring students’ page views of course materials and improving classroom teaching
94How employment constrains participation in MOOCs?
95Automated Feedback on the Quality of Collaborative Processes: An Experience Report
96Mining Sequences of Gameplay for Embedded Assessment in Collaborative Learning
98Toward Automated Support for Teacher-Facilitated Formative Feedback on Student Writing
102Identifying relevant user behavior and predicting learning and persistence in an ITS-based afterschool program
103TutorSpace: Content-centric Platform for Enabling Blended Learning in Developing Countries
105Exploring Social Influence on the Usage of Resources in an Online Learning Community
106How Long Must We Spin Our Wheels? Analysis of Student Time and Classifier Inaccuracy
115Comparison of Selection Criteria for Multi-Feature Hierarchical Activity Mining in Open Ended Learning Environments
116Perfect Scores Indicate Good Students !? The Case of One Hundred Percenters in a Math Learning System
117Can We Rely on Reliability? Testing the assumptions of inter-rater reliability
119Stimulating collaborative activity in online social learning environments with Markov decision processes
120Predicting student grades from online, collaborative social learning metrics using KNN
124Can Word Probabilities from LDA be Simply Added up to Represent Documents?
127Learning curves versus problem difficulty: an analysis of the Knowledge Component picture for a given context
128Redefining "What" in Analyses of Who Does What in MOOCs
130Discovering 'Tough Love' Interventions Despite Dropout
141Identifying Student Behaviors Early in the Term for Improving Online Course Performance
156Text Classification of Student Self-Explanations in College Physics Questions
157Anonymization versus Information in Data Sharing: a Case Study in Fine-grained Keystroke Data
163A Data-Driven Framework of Modeling Skill Combinations for Deeper Knowledge Tracing
165Adding Eye-Tracking Data to Models of Representational Competencies Does Not Improve Prediction Accuracy
168Guiding Students Towards Frequent High-Utility Paths in an Ill-Defined Domain
170Deep & Shallow Modelling of Student Behavior in a MOOC
174Soft Clustering of Physics Misconceptions Using a Mixed Membership Model
181Understanding Engagement in MOOCs
183Browsing-Skill Mining from e-Book Logs with Non-negative Matrix Factorization
184Study on Automatic Scoring of Descriptive Type Tests using Text Similarity Calculations
185How to Judge Learning on Online Learning: Minimum Learning Judgment System
186Preliminary Results On Dialogue Act and Subact Classification in Chat-based Online Tutorial Dialogues
188Validating Automated Triggers and Notifications @ Scale in Blackboard Learn
189Toward Integrating Human and Automated Tutoring Systems
190Quantifying How Students Use an Online Learning System: A Focus on Transitions and Performance
193Examining the necessity of problem diagrams using MOOC AB experiments.
195Exploring and Following Students' Strategies When Completing Their Weekly Tasks
203Educational Technology: What 49 Schools Discovered about Usage when the Data were Uncovered
Demos (2)
187MATHia X: The Next Generation Cognitive Tutor
202A Platform for Integrating and Analyzing Data to Evaluate the Impacts of Educational Technologies
Tutorials (2)
180SAS Tools for Educational Data Mining
194Massively Scalable EDM with Spark
Doctoral Consortium (6)
179Towards the Understanding of Gestures and Vocalization Coordination in Teaching Context
192Predicting Off-task Behaviors for Adaptive Vocabulary Learning System
196Towards Modeling Chunks in a Knowledge Tracing Framework for Students’ Deep Learning
197Estimation of prerequisite skills model from large scale assessment data using semantic data mining
199Using Case-Based Reasoning to Automatically Generate High-Quality Feedback for Programming Exercises
201Designing Interactive and Personalized Concept Mapping Learning Environments